segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2018

Alkhemystor - Rising From The Ashes (english text)

Alkhemystor - Rising From The Ashes

Rising from the ashes is a song from the project Alkhemystor composed by Fábio Corrêa Gomes. Its first register was a DEMO recorded on january, 2017. On this version Fábio composed and interpreted the rhythm guitars, bass, vocals and drums (the drums was composed on midi actually). He counted with the help of a ex band partner who played with him when he was younger, Daniel Cypher, to compose and play the guitar solo.

This song talks about how all we passes through problems like solitude, injustice and attachment to the past, between other stuff. But, even then, on the next day we must to get up and reborn from the ashes. Explicit analogy of the Phoenix myth.

Fabio's compositions are a compilation of everything he listened to along his life. He doesn't like to label it because it puts a limit to its work, making him to get attached into a style and obligations.

Click on the link below to know the first Alkhemystor's work. The song Rising From The Ashes.

Alkhemystor - Rising From The Ashes (texto em português)

Alkhemystor - Rising From The Ashes

Rising From the Ashes é uma música do projeto Alkhemystor composta por Fábio Corrêa Gomes. Seu primeiro registro foi uma DEMO de Janeiro de 2017. Nessa versão Fábio compôs e interpretou as guitarras base, baixo, vocais e bateria (esta última foi composta em midi). Contou com a contribuição de um ex-colega de banda chamado Daniel Cypher para compôr e gravar a guitarra solo. 

Essa música fala basicamente do quanto todos passamos por problemas como solidão, injustiça, apego ao passado, entre outras. Mas que apesar disso, no dia seguinte devemos nos levantar e renascer das cinzas. Analogia explícita do mito da Fênix.

As composições de Fábio são uma compilação de tudo aquilo que ele ouviu na vida. Ele não gosta de rotular porque isso limita o trabalho artístico, fazendo com que ele se prenda a estilos e obrigações.

Eis o link do primeiro registro dessa composição. Obrigado!

Presentation of Alkhemystor


This blog is written by Fábio Corrêa Gomes. Created with the purpose to let documentated a relevant portfolio of his artistic creations, to make some reviews of music equipments, CDs, books related to music, and other variated subjetcs that he considers important.

This blog has no intention to please or to offend anyone. Instead, its only a sincere channel of expression of a human being that commit mistakes like any other.

The name Alkhemystor is a pseudonym created and adopted by Fábio, used on his musical project. He created this name because he likes the concept of the medieval alchemy, that is based on to turn something rude and primitive like lead, into something beautiful and precious like gold.

Welcome to this temple and keep your mind open to absorb its content without any kind of prejudgement or attachment to your beliefs.

Thank you